Emile Verhaeren


Cultures of Belgian Space (1850-1924)
Cultures de l’Espace Belge (1850-1924)


Kasteel d’Ursel – Emile Verhaerenmuseum 


15-16 oktober 2021




Congres georganiseerd door Dominique Bauer (KULeuven), Marjan Sterckx (UGent) en Laurence Brogniez (ULB)


Wetenschappelijk Comité: Dominique Bauer, Marjan Sterckx, Laurence Brogniez, Jason Hartford (University of Dundee, UK), Claire Moran (Queen’s University Belfast, UK) en Rik Hemmerijckx (Emile Verhaerenmuseum)





Patrick McGuinness (St Anne’s College, Oxford, UK)



Dit congres werd mogelijk gemaakt door de steun van de KULeuven en de UGent, het F.W.O-Vlaanderen en het F.N.R.S. en door de vrijgevigheid van onze sponsors: onze hoofdsponsor de Gemeente Puurs-Sint-Amands, en verder Vermeiren Princeps, Café-Tasse, Van Reeth’s Koffiebranderij, notaris Luc Rochtus, Bouwbedrijf Van Wezemael nv en Guido Peleman, CEO van Peleman Industries/Unibind en voorzitter van het Emile Verhaeren Genootschap.



DAG 1: 15 oktober 2021 (Kasteel d’Ursel)

Registration (8:30)


Introduction (9:00- 9:30)



Panel 1 Dedicated Spaces: the Beguinage, the Movie Theatre and the Colonial Exhibition

chairs tbd for all panels


Juliet Simpson (University of Coventry/ Warburg Institute)

Sensing the Medieval in Fin-de-Siècle Belgian Liminal Spaces: The Beguinage as Work of Art


Leen Engelen (LUCA School of Arts/KULeuven)

A Garden with a View: Visual Culture at the Antwerp Zoo


Maria Golovteeva (University of St Andrews)

Spaces of Colonial Exhibitions in Nineteenth-Century Belgium



11:00-11:30: Coffee, tea and biscuits (plus registration, continued)




Panel 2 Nature, Corporeality and Art


Laurence Brogniez (Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB) – Tatiana Debroux (Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB)

Exposer (dans) l’atelier: du lieu de travail au lieu d’exposition


Dominique Bauer (KULeuven)

Time and Corporeality in Fernand Khnopff’s Art and Architecture


Jason Hartford (University of Dundee)

Belgium: Fabricated Natural in the Land of the Anthropocene



Lunch (13:00-14:00)




Panel 3 Exporting Cultural Identity and the Transformation of the Exotic


Jos van den Bredene (KULeuven)

La nature et les structures dans larchitecture de lArt nouveau. La réception de la spatialité japonaise et la conception de lespace dans larchitecture de Victor Horta.


Charlotte Rottiers (KULeuven)

Exporting National Identity: The Neo-Flemish Renaissance Castle in Peking (1903-1905) as an Instrument of Communication or Disruption


Leo Lecci (Università di Genova)

Le pavillon de la Belgique aux premières expositions internationales dart de Venise 1907-1914: une espace pour la synthèse des arts



15:30-16:00: Coffee, tea and light refreshments




Panel 4 The Theatre


Evelien Jonckheere (University of Antwerp) / Davy Depelchin (Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium – Constantin Meunier Museum)

In shadows. Spectacular Spaces Imagined and Performed by Le Diable-au-Corps in Brussels (1893-1929)

Quentin Rioual (Université Paris Nanterre)

La transformation des espaces architectural et urbain (Bruxelles, tournant XIXe-XXe siècle) dans le contexte de la nouvelle alimentation des décors de théâtre




Patrick McGuinness (St. Anne’s College, Oxford)

The Poetics and Politics of Privacy in Belgian Symbolism



(possibility to go back to the hotel, or join us for an informal drink in “Lindehof”)


20.00u Conference dinner at d’Ursel Castle


DAY 2: 16 October 2021 (Kasteel d’Ursel – Verhaerenmuseum)


Panel 5 Travel, Dépaysement and Exile

Ulrich Tiedau (University College London)

Belgian-Space-in-Exile in interwar Britain

Tom Verschaffel (KULeuven)

Staging Baudelaires Misery: Settings and Supporting Actors of Charles Baudelaires Stay in Belgium (1864-1867)


Stefan Huygebaert (UGent)

The Two Bruges: Travellers vs. Tourists and the Saint-John’s Hospital



10.30-11:00: Coffee, tea and biscuits




Panel 6: Collections, Catalogues and Museums

Ulrike Müller (University of Antwerp)

The Collectors Cabinet as a Creative Space between (National) Tradition and Renewal


Zsuzsanna Börocz (KULeuven)

The Private Interior as Exhibition Space: The Catalogues of the National Exhibitions of Brussels in 1880 and the Architect, Archaeologist and Collector Jules-Jacques van Ysendyck (1836-1891)


Apolline Malevez (Queen’s University Belfast)

Viewing Belgian Artists Interiors: Collections, Displays and Interior Design



Lunch (12:30-13:30)




Panel 7: Objects in Space


Margo Buelens – Terryn (University of Antwerp)/ Ilja Van Damme (University of Antwerp)

Spaces of Illustrated Lecturing. The Uses of the Magic Lantern in Public Lectures in Antwerp and Brussels, ca. 1860- ca.1920


Ole W. Fischer (University of Utah)

Psychological Line-Furniture and Object-Architecture. Henry Van de Velde and Problems of Belgian Space around 1900


14:30: to the Verhaerenmuseum, view of the Scheldt




Panel 8: Literature

David Gullentops (Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB)

L’espace tensionnel chez Rodenbach, Verhaeren et Maeterlinck

Michael Rosenfeld (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3/Université Catholique de Louvain – UCL)

Belgian Queer Spaces: Gay Cruising Areas in the Press and in Georges Eekhouds Fiction

Mathilde Régent (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)

Les intérieurs de Maeterlinck, de l’idéalisme allemand au perspectivisme animal


17:30 – 18:30/19:00 Concluding remarks.

Beer and wine reception and light refreshments


Dinner, around 20:00.

Inschrijvingen : belgianspaces2020@gmail.com

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